wow! sangat lama dah tinggalkan blog terchenta. Sentiasa cari alasan untuk tak update blog. yang sebenarnya malas! dulu masa final year in ipba, guna alasan broadband bongs la lappy keok xleh connect to d server la net la. now, dah ada tablet, bertenet twenty-four-seven, bg excuse keyboard x feel pulak. well, that's me being me.
so what or who gave me the nudge to write this post? actually, i was googling something about navy and those sword barrel thingy (seriously, i personally think the sword barrel thing is smart giler and super HOT> yup, if u know Atie well enuf, u shud know that's just me being me lol)when i stumbled upon this blog written by...hmm aiyak! tetiba, it hit me... si empunya blog tu navy ke tudm ek... ok but im sure u get my point. bl bc blog dia tetibe rs rindu nk mengarang. hmmm tu lah citrnye.
ok recently, my facebook had transformed into a weddingbook instead. gosh serious ramai org kawen cuti ni. sampai dah tak teringat siapa kawen bila n dimana. happy n jealous bila tengok kwn2 dah berjaya solve one of d riddles in their lives. i ve read one of them said dia happy akhirnya pencarian dah tamat. bilalah turn i ni. tapi bila difikirkan betul2, aku ni mcm xready je lagi. mungkin sebabtu Allah xbagi aku settledown lagi.
ok,before i pen off, mcm pelik je guna pen off, fingers off,sayasgt takut nak lelapkan mata sebabtermasuk mlm ni, dah dua mlm berturut adabunyi2 pelik yg mencurigakan datang dari atas bumbung.saya takut if saya tertidur nnt ada orang masuk umah saye xsedar. fobia sebenarnya sebab da berkali2 org pecah masuk rumah. ye wpun miss atie ni garang mcm rimau, ganaz lagi otai, tapi tu sume luaran je. sbnrnye sy sgt fragile n penakut. hehe...
p/s-it took me forever to come out with this post. all thnx to my samsung tab! n pls ignore those typos coz i dah xlarat nk mengadjust d page, d keyboard etc. da mcm pakai typewriter sikit2 kene tarik page.
I am back to being single. At times like this, I really wish that my friends could be around me. Just like those good old days when we were mad (or MADLY in love) with a guy, we would spill eveything out. So happy that i still have good friends who always comfort me when im in need of em. I believe Allah has His own plan for me.
me : awak sayang saya tak?
him : sayang? Sayangla. mestilah sayang.
me : kenapa mesti tanya sayang? Jawab jela.
him : yela takkan tak sayang pulak
me : sayang banyak mana? (saja nak ngengada dengar jawapan ngarut dia)
him : .......mmmm sebanyak ketumpatan oksigen dibumi
me : (whatever is that?) tapi lama2 oksigen kat bumi makin berkurang.
him : ...alaaa.. mmmm.. sebanyak butir pasir di pantai.
me : tapi pasir kat pantai akan terhakis.
him : ok! Sebanyak pasir di pantai dan dalam laut.
me : kenapa sayang saya?
him :sebab susah nk cari org yg sabar mcm sayang. tak banyak komplen. kalau marah pun sekejap je.sebab sayang faham orang n penyabar. orang jarang msg, nak harapkan orang call, lagilah susah. tapi sayang xda pun nak pertikaikan.
me : yeke? Habis, kalau orang da xsabar, sayang da tak sayang orang lagi la eh?
him : orang tahu tahap kesabaran sayang. n orang tahu sayang mesti dapat sabar dengan orang punya. kalau sayang blh tahan dengan students sayang, xkan xboleh nak bersabar dengan orang.
me : (students tak sama dengan awak sayang.. faham ke saya dengan awak? Lagi sepuluh tahun, mampu ke saya masih bersabar dengan awak?Mugnkin saya tak complain straig to your face sebab tak nak kecilkan hati awak.) kalau kesabaran saya dah sampai limit macamane? sayang faham tak maksud "take for granted"?
us : .....................
p/s-I think you are taking me for granted. and kalau your sayang to me is gauged by my kesabaran, i think, i already have all the answers to my questions and uncertainties. because fyi, saya bukanlah sepenyabar yang disangka.
Saya suka hari ini. Boleh bangun lewat tanpa kena bebel dengan ibu (sebab sekarang ada alasan penat bangun awal hari2pergi kerja). Bangun jam 9.45pagi dan terus hidangkan breakfast yg ibu dah siapkan lalu teus makan with beloved family. Sidai baju yang disiap dibasuh oleh mesin yg sgt bejasa, main game di tablet sambil guling2 atas katil. kemas bilik, guling lagi di katil. kemas kereta, guling dan sambung main game. angkat baju di jemuran, guling depan tv pule. Nonton tv sambil blogging. hantar cuci gen-2rina yang dah seinci dakinya tu. guling, guling dan guling lagi... menggembirakan kan? This is my definition of a perfect sunday.
Some people were born mean, evil and heartless. That's why... People make mistakes.. Heartless people dont know how to forgive if not forget. Proud to see people whom they used to love and care being punished without being given the chance to explain or correct.
There are things better left untold. Not everything can be shared with everyone, even to those who claim they are opened to honesty. Yup, honesty is the best policy. But, honesty is also harsh and painful. Mind you,not everyone can bear the pain. Before calling people names, think it through first. Ask this question over and over again. "Have I ever lied to my best buddies?" Im sure doesnt matter how saint you are, the answer would be, yes! Even the slightest and the smallest lie is still a lie. Ait? When you badmouthed one of your best buddies to the rest of them, would you finally tell that person the whole truth about it even after the both of you have come to good terms. You might have done the same mistakes before. Does not mean that your faults were not exposed, you are free of one.
Think about it folks!
There are things better left untold. Not everything can be shared with everyone, even to those who claim they are opened to honesty. Yup, honesty is the best policy. But, honesty is also harsh and painful. Mind you,not everyone can bear the pain. Before calling people names, think it through first. Ask this question over and over again. "Have I ever lied to my best buddies?" Im sure doesnt matter how saint you are, the answer would be, yes! Even the slightest and the smallest lie is still a lie. Ait? When you badmouthed one of your best buddies to the rest of them, would you finally tell that person the whole truth about it even after the both of you have come to good terms. You might have done the same mistakes before. Does not mean that your faults were not exposed, you are free of one.
Think about it folks!
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