Masa muda2.. sekarang pun muda lagi hehe, tapi masa zaman sekolah dolu2 selalu je rasa pelik bila tengok drama kat tv yang wataknya rimas bila keluarga tanya bila nak kahwin. Pelik sebab rasa soalan tu soalan biasa dan tak pernah pulak terbayang aku akan berada dalam situasi tu bila dah makin meningkat dewasa. Isu ni pernah aku bangkitkan dalam post yang lepas2 di awal2 tahun hari tu. Dan kini berbangkit lagi... *sigh*

Few days ago, I was chatting with my best friend-normal topic: hot gossip! Then, we discussed about friends who just broke up, being cheated on, engaged, and got married, even those who already have babies and kiddos. Relationship issue is a never ending issue to be discussed upon at these days of this stage of life! Getting tired of it but it's just so irresistable (I now have no doubt on what Erikson stated in his Stages of Psychosocial's Theory).

One of my ex-classmate just got engaged and she looked so pretty in her engagement dress. I am so jealous. Not to mention the ever increasing names on the just-married list. Damn! Whatever's goin to happen to me? --my normal self-reflecting question. It's really hard to find a good guy with good qualities nowadays. There's more to our conversation that day than just about relationship but, that particular topic is not to be disclosed here (rated 18SX lol...). Ooohhh! Almost forgot to mention about my crush's brother who havent finished his study yet just got married! (His bro is one handsome bloke but somehow I ended up having crush on him instead!)

See! The list just keep goin on and on. Me?! "Calon pun tarak!"


Adlina said...

Apekah yg smpai 18SX tu ye, Atie? Hahaha~ Hari pertama bulan julai dibuka dgn topik kawen. Adeh la...

Dun worri. Nnti ade jodoh, insyaallah kan? *huggles*

p.s/ Dulu cari template blogger cecantek kan? Dah check kat sini:

Adelah awesome :D

Stray Kitty said...

18SX??? kahkahkah... adelaaaa lol!
Tulah irony betul macam dah takde topik len nk diciter..nak wat cmne.. start dr topik kwn aku bertunanglah tu...

insyallah amiin... hug hug huggies!

yay!nak g check out those templates yg awesome itu..mekaceh muah